I always came across the word “Affirmative” in the movies when an authority asks the police or an agent about specific information, and the response is “Affirmative, Sir.”

I never imagined that this word would become part of my daily life.

As per the definition by Cambridge Dictionary, an affirmation is:

“A statement or sign that something is true.”


“The assertion that something exists or is true.”

Affirmations in new thought and new age terminology refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment – fostering a belief that a “positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything” – Wikipedia.

It took me some time to understand how any positive statements can impact my life.

On an average day, we have more than 50,000 thoughts. Most of the time, these thoughts are focused on our external environment; the thoughts inwards of ourselves are mostly self-critical and pessimistic.

Affirmations are positive statements that enable your brain to create a mental picture of those statements, resulting in positivity and focus.

Practicing affirmations is like a mental exercise to manage and minimize the thoughts that can result in self-doubt or demotivation.

This doesn’t mean that they are wishful thinking or daydreaming. The user creates affirmations with an intention and a goal in mind; daily repetition of the affirmations gives you unwavering focus and energy to take actions towards your desired goal. Over a period, you will see changes in your actions and behaviors and come across new ideas to reach your destination.

Benefits of affirmations:

  • They help you define your #goal: You have to tell your destination to your mind.
  • They help you stay #focused: When you repeat your affirmations daily, they act as a reminder to yourself of your goal.
  • They enable you to take action: Things don’t happen on their own. Just words cannot help you reach your goal; actions take you there.
  • They raise your #confidence: Repetition of affirmations along with actions boosts your #mood and confidence as it rewires your thinking pattern at a subconscious level.

How to use affirmations?

  • Define your goal: Your goal can be a personal, spiritual or professional one.
  • Write them down: Have a few affirmation sentences (4-5 recommended) related to your goal. Avoid having too many goals; start with one.

Consistency is the key: Find a quiet place and dedicated time to repeat these affirmations out loud or in your mind. You can include them in your morning and night routine. This will also help you to have a positive start and end to your day.

  • Connect: Be present and connected with the feelings when saying these affirmations.
  • #Journal your thoughts: You can write down your feelings, emotions, and next set of actions in a journal to map your progress.
  • Don’t give up: Even if you feel silly, don’t give up. Try to do it for 30 days and then decide if you want to keep this as a habit.

Some examples of #affirmations for a #productive day:

  • I am #grateful for another day.
  • I am a person who gets things done.
  • I take action every day.
  • I am great at planning my day, and it gives me energy.
  • I believe in myself and trust my abilities.

Want to see more examples of #affirmations? Click here

This is an excellent method to bring change in your life, give yourself some time to see the results, but this will boost your mood instantly and inspire you to achieve your goal in a focused way.

If you feel tracking your mood and journaling will enhance your experience of practicing affirmations, Download Mind Alcove Now

Mind Alcove app enables you to capture your gratitude list and affirmations in one place.

Mind Alcove app enables you to capture your gratitude list and affirmations in one place.