People often feel that journaling is like signing up for a full marathon. People stress themselves with too many do’s, don’ts, methods, schedules, and other boundaries that ultimately make #journaling look like a daunting process. And that’s why many people don’t start writing in a journal even if they want to.

So let me burst that bubble and tell you #journaling is not a marathon at all; it’s a calm and comfortable 100-meter stroll. When you start journaling, you get to soak in that #emotion, sit in the thought process you are writing about. It’s a 360-degree experience that you articulate in your comfortable expression.

You never have to show your journal to anyone; you don’t have to bother about grammar or spelling; you can write as it comes to your mind. Unfiltered.

Now that hopefully, I have lifted the inhibition towards starting a journal, let me tell you how to start writing in a #journal.

You need a couple of ingredients for this perfect recipe for experiencing your emotions.

1. #Intention

Why do you want to write in a journal? Do you want to record your life events as you experience them? Or do you like to express your emotions, understand your emotional responses and learn from them? You may want to reflect on your experiences, thoughts and maybe challenge them to become mentally & emotionally resilient. You need to figure out what your clear intention is for starting a journal. But remember, it’s a 100-meter stroll, and your purpose can change, or another meaning may get added along the way. As long as you know why you choose to journal, you would stick around and get maximized benefits.

2. Comfortable and a handy tool

It’s your personal choice what medium you feel pleased with when you express your thoughts. You may want to go the traditional way and write in a physical notepad/ book or dedicated journal; make sure you keep it away from prying eyes. If this thought has crossed your mind, “what if someone reads it” then the best medium is a digital platform, where you can be sure of your journal’s security and anytime access.

I took my journaling way too seriously and made the Mind Alcove app to promote the idea of being emotionally fit. If you wish to explore a digital platform for your journal, you can explore the app here.

3. #Questions

One of the main ingredients of writing in your journal is the questions. They help you to go a bit deeper into your mind and explore your thoughts. They maneuver in the mental traffic jam and pull out the genuine feeling that we often suppress. These questions can be anything you want to know from yourself. Think of questions you would ask someone with whom you want to become friends. What would you like to know?

Do you know all that about yourself? Trust me; it can be a pretty self-liberating exercise. Be cautious; you may fall in love with yourself.

But, If you get stuck and can’t think of a question, then take support of journal prompts.

These are specific questions that act as a compass to help explorers like you.

Mind Alcove app provides a new journal prompt every day. Check it out here.

4. #Consistency

The key to keeping any habit is consistency. Include journaling into your routine; it can be in the morning or night; it is up to you and your schedule. But the more consistent you become, it will become an easier habit to adopt. Remember, you don’t have to write multiple pages expressing your emotions; it can be just one line.

You can read about the benefits of journaling here, and it may help you incorporate this habit quickly.

Share your experiences or questions in the comments below.