If you have been hearing about Journaling from many people and still wondering, what is this trend? Why is everyone swearing by it? Is it new? Then hold on to your questions, and read further…
Remember the time when in school, we used to keep a fancy-looking book and penned our thoughts in that starting with the words, “Dear Diary” as if we are talking to a friend who would never say anything back to us. But we always had a small element of caution because we knew that someone would read this. We got conscious of projecting the right feelings, keeping our spellings in order. I remember that I used to refer to a dictionary while writing my diary. But as I grew up and my life became more complicated along with my feelings, I stopped expressing in my diary as I forgot the catharsis it brought to my life.
“There is not much of a difference between keeping a #diary and #Journaling, they are synonyms to one another, but you can write down anything in whatever order you like in a diary. Journaling gives you a bit of a structure, an organization to your thoughts. ”
There are different types of #Journaling to satisfy the unique needs of a person who wants to express their emotions and feelings in a certain way.
So, you may ask, how does my school-time activity bring me any value in my ever busy, stressful schedule?
Here are three highly satisfying benefits of keeping a journal
1. Journaling reduces stress and anxiety.
#Journaling lets you express your thoughts and emotions unabashedly without judging you. It helps you declutter your mind and organize your thoughts. In due course, you become aware of your #emotional strengths and weakness, and you get to know your triggers and how you can avoid such situations. When expressing your challenges in detail, it relaxes your nerves and puts you in ease.
2. Journaling helps you sleep better.
Yes, you read that right. What do you do just before sleeping? That’s the time when day’s stress comes to you and keeps running in your mind. Experts estimate that the mind thinks over 50,000 thoughts a day. I feel 30,000 of them occur before I sleep. It’s different when you start journaling before you sleep. When you #express everything that goes in your mind and let yourself free of those thoughts and emotions, you sleep better because you have already put your ideas to rest, and now is the time for your rest.
3. Journaling creates better memories.
How many days do we remember in detail of our lives? Yes, we take photos of special days, like spending time with friends or a wedding or birthdays, but what about days that hold significance in your life? Unless you don’t narrate that day to people repeatedly, you won’t remember it correctly. Moreover, some things are personal, and you don’t want to share them with anyone but yourself. You would like to capture significant decisions you made in life and how they shaped you, your career, your relationship, or any small victories.

N here’s a bonus one:
It helps you identify your negative thoughts and triggers.
Ok, this is a significant benefit. There are small triggers in all of us, but we are not aware of the most of the time. We become passive to our #emotions, so we don’t know what sets us off the track. When you start writing and journaling, you come across these small triggers, and you identify the negative thoughts and behaviors that impact your mood and increase your stress. The first step to any solution is awareness.
Do give it a thought about the benefits and ask yourself, can you commit to this healthy habit?
Stay Happy
Be #Emotionally Fit!
See our journaling #prompts here to kick start your #journaling journey.
Want to start living intentionally with #Journaling? Download Mind Alcove App Now.