Fear and panic attacks are highly distressing for the body and mind. During a panic attack, everything happens unplanned, and the body becomes restless. Anxiety is the primary reason that makes the body shiver during this process. People lose control of the mind, and it does not generate a soothing experience for the body. It is highly uncomfortable and distressful.
It is possible to experience fear and panic attacks for different reasons. An anxiety attack or phobia can trigger it. Whatever the deep-rooted cause for it, it is important to find an effective way for taking control back. It becomes vital to calm the body and mind. In such situations, breathing exercises can be extremely helpful. Breathing exercises during a panic attack can soothe the nerves and reduce stress.
Here are some of the best ways to monitor the breathing pattern for soothing the feelings of panic, fear, and anxiety.
Deep breathing for panic and fear
Deep breathing can be the one-stop solution for panic attacks. During an anxiety attack, it is impossible for one to keep calm. Deep breathing can help soothe the rate of respiration to achieve this calmness.
The first step is to close your eyes and relax the body. One can then focus on taking slow deep breaths. Repeating this action at least ten times can calm the mind. Experts claim that this helps even in the most restless state.
Meditation for the mind relaxation
During a fear attack, the mind becomes hyperactive. At this point, numerous thoughts run through the brain simultaneously. Stressful thoughts, anxious feelings, and frightful happenings can come into play. Everything happens simultaneously and at a rapid pace. During such times, meditation can help in reducing up to 60% of the distress. [1] It is a research-based stat and helps people condense their stressful condition.
Regaining mindfulness during an anxiety attack
Up to 90% of people suffering from chronic anxiety have difficulty in concentrating on different tasks. [2] According to experts, using the techniques of mindful breathing can help in more than one way. It relieves stress and helps in regaining mindfulness.
For achieving this, one can try any breathing pattern, counting of numbers or uttering alphabets. It keeps the mind active by increasing the concentration power. Having an active mind during a panic attack ensures swift recovery.
If the mind is active and the respiration rate is constant, it keeps the body calm. Using nose and mouth in patterned breathing, one can ease the feelings and create a much-needed distraction. It is an immediate action that a person undergoing an anxiety attack can try for best results.
The 4-7-8 breathing pattern – Relaxing breath for anxiety
The 4-7-8 breathing pattern is also a mindful breathing practice that relaxes the body and the mind. It is a unique method that yields a long-term outcome on the body by relaxing the mind.
The 4-7-8 relaxing breath involves both mouth and nostrils. It is an exercise that anyone can do to strengthen the nerves during a severe panic attack.
Yoga can be the ultimate solution
- Yoga is an excellent way to keep mental health stable. Practicing yoga and the different asanas regularly can create a positive impact on mental health. Thus, while having a panic attack, yogic breathing can bring a better mental state.
- Yogic breathing alongside humming a tune can bring an excellent change in the body. The chanting helps the body to relax. Yoga breathing helps in better heart functioning and combats panic attacks.
- Anyone can practice Yogic breathing at any time of the day and anywhere for making the body stronger with a healthy mind.
Alternate nostril breathing for relaxation
Alternate nostril breathing can help distract the mind while dealing with anxious feelings and thoughts. One needs to use the thumb to avoid breathing through the mouth while practicing alternate nostril breathing.
Breathing exercise during panic attacks – The effectiveness
According to research, understanding and practicing the different breathing techniques helps reduce anxiety and significantly enhances overall well-being. [3] The conclusive report states that slow breathing techniques improve autonomic, cerebral, and psychological flexibility in stressful situations.
The different deep breathing techniques and alternate breathing ways have a calming sensation on the body. Practicing the various breathing exercises during the attacks and also on a regular basis can be effective for all.
The need to address the problem
Get in touch with an expert therapist or a psychologist to understand the right ways to deal with panic, anxiety, and stress attacks. One can try breathing exercises to find relief, but professional guidance can always help better. In fact, penning down anxious thoughts after suffering from a sudden attack can also help vent out stressful feelings. Everyone has a different solution for a unique problem that needs proper addressing.
Mind Alcove – Bringing effective solutions for all
Mind Alcove is a virtual platform where you can share anonymously through an online journal. Anybody can use the app or the website by signing up. The platform brings a chance to share muddled thoughts and pen down feelings without revealing their identity. Improve your emotional and mental health by signing up with Mind Alcove and knowing the best ways to deal with panic attacks.
References –
[2] https://disturbmenot.co/anxiety-statistics
[3] https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2018.00353/full