In recent years, the world’s trajectory has felt pretty unsettling. In India, especially over the last few weeks, things have been even more unsettling, leaving many of us on edge. Sometimes, your personal life may be smooth—your job is going well, your relationships are strong, and you feel balanced. But the outside world can be so disturbing that it bursts your bubble, forcing you to face some really harsh realities.

In times like these, it’s normal for your mental health to take a dip. In fact, it shows you’re human, empathetic, and concerned for the safety and well-being of those around you and beyond.

When the world feels dark, here are some ways to light a candle and make it through:

  1. Avoid Bad News First Thing in the Morning
    Don’t start your day with negativity. While staying informed is important, be mindful of what, when and how you consume the news in the morning. Don’t avoid but save the heavier stuff, like politics and crime, for later in the day. Try starting your morning with something lighter.
  2. Talk to People Around You
    If those around you are open to discussing tough topics, engage in conversations. It’s natural to feel hopeless, helpless or even paranoid when we read or hear about the grim realities. Sharing your thoughts can release pent-up emotions and remind you of the support system you have.
  3. Deep Breathing When You Feel Deeply Impacted
    When you come across something negative that deeply impacts you, it’s normal to feel anxious, afraid or hard to process. Whether your eyes are open or closed, try taking long, slow breaths to calm your body and slow down your mind.
  4. Journal Your Thoughts
    Write down what’s on your mind. Put your fears, anger, and frustrations down—whether it’s about how unfair the world feels or anything else that’s weighing on you. Throw those chaotic and sudden thoughts out of your mind somewhere else.
  5. Distract Yourself with Music, Walking, or Exercise
    Sometimes, the best way to deal with negativity is through distraction. If you encounter upsetting news, scroll past it, listen to music, go for a walk, or even take a quick snack break. Sometimes your mind can eat you up so giving your mind something else to focus on can help you process things later, when you’re ready.

While these tips cannot erase the dark realities of the world, even feeling 10% better is progress. They’re not about avoiding the truth, but about finding balance. Life is a blend of light and darkness, and acknowledging both is key. Arm yourself with the right tools, and you’ll be better equipped to face life’s challenges without losing yourself in the process.